Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Fotokatalis able to see the light.
A nano particle fotokatalis who worked under natural light and can be used to remove pollutants from water has been developed by scientists of China and Japan. Fotokatalis use light to speed up a reaction but most require ultra-violet rays to work. Now, Renhong Li at the University Zhejiang Sci-Tech, China and his colleagues using bismuth to create a catalyst that works under visible light.

Li catalysts using platinum nano particles entered the semiconductor bismuth oxide (Bi2O3). Bi2O3 facilitate delivery of electrons - electrons to take place on the excitation by visible light. This resulted in describing surface molecules - molecules, such as acetaldehyde and formaldehyde.

A fotokatalis natural light can help clean the water.
Average - the average response obtained with the new catalyst is comparable to the one you use UV light, said Li. 'Since most of the existing fotokatalis can only be in - fotoeksitasi - not with UV light, we Pt/Bi2O3 catalyst useful for the purpose of energy savings,' he added.

Leonardo Palmisano, a researcher at the University fotokatalis Palermo, Italy said that 'it showed some results menyakinkanpada photo-oxidation of organic pollutants under visible light illumination, showed a significant effect plasmonik for fotokatalis Pt/Bi2O3.' He added that he saw the application promising for new catalysts.

Li said that this research could provide benefits in the use of platinum and precious metal fotokatalis, such as the use of separation fotokatalis water under visible light which is an area that the team expected to be further investigated.

Fotokatalis able to see the light.
A nano particle fotokatalis who worked under natural light and can be used to remove pollutants from water has been developed by scientists of China and Japan. Fotokatalis use light to speed up a reaction but most require ultra-violet rays to work. Now, Renhong Li at the University Zhejiang Sci-Tech, China and his colleagues using bismuth to create a catalyst that works under visible light.

Li catalysts using platinum nano particles entered the semiconductor bismuth oxide (Bi2O3). Bi2O3 facilitate delivery of electrons - electrons to take place on the excitation by visible light. This resulted in describing surface molecules - molecules, such as acetaldehyde and formaldehyde.

A fotokatalis natural light can help clean the water.
Average - the average response obtained with the new catalyst is comparable to the one you use UV light, said Li. 'Since most of the existing fotokatalis can only be in - fotoeksitasi - not with UV light, we Pt/Bi2O3 catalyst useful for the purpose of energy savings,' he added.

Leonardo Palmisano, a researcher at the University fotokatalis Palermo, Italy said that 'it showed some results menyakinkanpada photo-oxidation of organic pollutants under visible light illumination, showed a significant effect plasmonik for fotokatalis Pt/Bi2O3.' He added that he saw the application promising for new catalysts.

Li said that this research could provide benefits in the use of platinum and precious metal fotokatalis, such as the use of separation fotokatalis water under visible light which is an area that the team expected to be further investigated.


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