Tuesday, March 2, 2010

super conductors.

Group of New super conductors have been found.
Leadership Studies at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada John Tse and colleagues found in Germany have identified a new superconductor-class research on the design will mebawa better superconductors for use in the field of the broader industry. In an article published in the journal Science, the team has managed to obtain experimental evidence for the first time in the world that can happen superkonduktifitas properties in hydrogen compounds known as hydrides.

"We can show that if you have hydrogen in the form of hydride compounds and then you engaplikasikan high pressure of these compounds you will receive a superconductor," said Tse. "Validation of this hypothesis and understanding of the mechanism that happens is the first step to design superconductors better".

Superconducting power flow without any friction or heat loss. Flow of electricity can flow in a loop of superconducting wire without a power source at all. For example, magnetic superconductors are used in MRI machines and magnets that can accelerate the speed of trains that float above the track to walk without the friction and heat rise.

Eremets Mikhail Angota team of Max Plank Institute in Germany did the laboratory experiments to detect the nature of superconductivity and hydrogen compound silane, while Tse and his protege Yansun Yao provides theoretical basis for understanding the mechanisms involved in this process and identify its chemical structure.

Generally, commercial superconductors work under very low temperatures where it is, of course, requires refrigeration equipment is very special. "Our research aims to megembangkan superconducting critical temperature superconductors bru so that can operate at high temperatures and the possibility can be operated without cooling," said Tse.

The hypothesis that one of the elements hydrogen is the most abundant in the natural electrical currents can flow without friction and the incidence of heat (nature as a superconductor) if dikompresikan in solid form is a very old idea thought by scientists. Many scientists are trying meakai pure hydrogen, but they can not achieve the necessary hydrogen density for hydrogen is a superconductor.

Compared with using pure hydrogen, the German-Canadian team, which refers to previous research by Prof.. Neil Ashcroft of Cornell University, compressing the molecules that are rich in hydrogen (hydride), and they managed to achieve the density needed to be superconductors with a lower pressure than with pure hydrogen, an achievement that will bring a huge impact.

In other related research, Tse team using sinkkrotron Canadian Light Source to study the structure of the hydride system at high pressure as a potential superconductor and use it to store hydrogen in fuel cells.

Group of New super conductors have been found.
Leadership Studies at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada John Tse and colleagues found in Germany have identified a new superconductor-class research on the design will mebawa better superconductors for use in the field of the broader industry. In an article published in the journal Science, the team has managed to obtain experimental evidence for the first time in the world that can happen superkonduktifitas properties in hydrogen compounds known as hydrides.

"We can show that if you have hydrogen in the form of hydride compounds and then you engaplikasikan high pressure of these compounds you will receive a superconductor," said Tse. "Validation of this hypothesis and understanding of the mechanism that happens is the first step to design superconductors better".

Superconducting power flow without any friction or heat loss. Flow of electricity can flow in a loop of superconducting wire without a power source at all. For example, magnetic superconductors are used in MRI machines and magnets that can accelerate the speed of trains that float above the track to walk without the friction and heat rise.

Eremets Mikhail Angota team of Max Plank Institute in Germany did the laboratory experiments to detect the nature of superconductivity and hydrogen compound silane, while Tse and his protege Yansun Yao provides theoretical basis for understanding the mechanisms involved in this process and identify its chemical structure.

Generally, commercial superconductors work under very low temperatures where it is, of course, requires refrigeration equipment is very special. "Our research aims to megembangkan superconducting critical temperature superconductors bru so that can operate at high temperatures and the possibility can be operated without cooling," said Tse.

The hypothesis that one of the elements hydrogen is the most abundant in the natural electrical currents can flow without friction and the incidence of heat (nature as a superconductor) if dikompresikan in solid form is a very old idea thought by scientists. Many scientists are trying meakai pure hydrogen, but they can not achieve the necessary hydrogen density for hydrogen is a superconductor.

Compared with using pure hydrogen, the German-Canadian team, which refers to previous research by Prof.. Neil Ashcroft of Cornell University, compressing the molecules that are rich in hydrogen (hydride), and they managed to achieve the density needed to be superconductors with a lower pressure than with pure hydrogen, an achievement that will bring a huge impact.

In other related research, Tse team using sinkkrotron Canadian Light Source to study the structure of the hydride system at high pressure as a potential superconductor and use it to store hydrogen in fuel cells.


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