Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Nitrogen oxides.

Nitrous monoxide, N2O. Monovalent oxides of nitrogen. Pyrolysis of ammonium nitrate will produce this oxide by the reaction:

NH4NO3 → N2O + 2 H2O (heating at 250 ° C).

Although oxidation is only a formality, it is interesting and symbolic of how the nitrogen oxidation to form NH4NO3 changes in monovalent nitrogen oxides (+1 is the average of -3 and +5 oxidation state N in NH4 + and NO3-). Nno bond distance in N2O is 112 pm (NN) and 118 pm (NO), respectively related to the bond order of 2.5 and 1.5. N2O (16e) isoelectronic with CO2 (16 e). These compounds are widely used for analgesic.

Nitrogen oxide, NO. Divalent oxides of nitrogen. Obtained by reduction of nitrite via the following reaction:

KNO2 + KI + H2SO4 → NO + K2SO4 + H2O + ½ I2

Because an odd number of valence electrons (11 e), NO is paramagnetic. NO distance is 115 pm and has a double bond character. Electrons do not pair in the π * orbital antiikatan easily removed, and NO to NO + (nitrosonium) is isoelectronic with CO.

Because the electron removed from the orbital antiikatan, NO bond becomes stronger. NOBF4 and NOHSO4 compounds containing these cations and is used as oxidizing 1 electron.

Although monomeric NO as a gas is paramagnetic, dimerisasi the solid phase will produce diamagnetisme. NO is a transition metal ligand complex and unique form complexes such as [Fe (CO2) (NO) 2], with NO is a neutral ligand with 3 electrons. Although MnO straight bonds in this type of complex, MnO bond angle turn to 120 ° - 140 ° in [Co (NH3) 5 (NO)] Br2, with NO-4 is the ligand electrons. Recently become clear that NO has a variety of biological control functions, such as blood pressure reduction actions, and is the most important species, after Ca2 + ions, in signal transduction.

Nitrous trioxide, N2O3. Oxidation of nitrogen in this compound is +3, this compound is unstable and will be decomposed into NO and NO2 at room temperature. This compound is produced when the quantity of NO and NO2 equivalent dikondensasikan at low temperatures. Padatannya light blue and dark blue will bewarna when in the liquid, but the color will fade at higher temperatures.

Nitrogen dioxide, NO2, nitrogen compounds with the +4 oxidation berbilangan nitrogen. NO2 is a compound with an odd number of electrons with unpaired electrons, and reddish-brown. These compounds are in equilibrium with the dimer Nitrous tetraoksida, N2O4, which is not bewarna. The proportion of NO2 is 0.01% at -11 ° C and increased gradually to 15.9% at the boiling point (21.2 ° C), to 100% at 140 ° C.

N2O4 can be produced by pyrolysis of lead nitrate

2 Pb (NO3) 2 → 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2 at 400 oC

When NO2 dissolved in water and nitric acid produced nitrite:

2 NO2 + H2O → HNO3 + HNO2

With one-electron oxidation, NO2 + (nitroil) is formed and the bond angles change from 134o in neutral NO2 to 180o. On the other hand, with one-electron reduction, NO2-formed ions (nitrito) with a bond angle 115o.

Nitrous pentoksida, N2O5, obtained when the concentrated nitric acid is slowly dehydrated with phosphorus pentoksida at low temperatures. This compound sublimes at a temperature of 32.4o C. Karenadengan dissolving it in water to produce nitric acid, also known as Nitrous pentoksida anhydrous nitric acid.

N2O5 + H2O → 2 HNO3

Although in the solid state is pentoksida Nitrous NO2NO3 ion pairs with alternate sites are occupied by ions ions straight NO2 + and NO3-planar ions, on the circumstances of this molecular gas is molecular.

Nitrous monoxide, N2O. Monovalent oxides of nitrogen. Pyrolysis of ammonium nitrate will produce this oxide by the reaction:

NH4NO3 → N2O + 2 H2O (heating at 250 ° C).

Although oxidation is only a formality, it is interesting and symbolic of how the nitrogen oxidation to form NH4NO3 changes in monovalent nitrogen oxides (+1 is the average of -3 and +5 oxidation state N in NH4 + and NO3-). Nno bond distance in N2O is 112 pm (NN) and 118 pm (NO), respectively related to the bond order of 2.5 and 1.5. N2O (16e) isoelectronic with CO2 (16 e). These compounds are widely used for analgesic.

Nitrogen oxide, NO. Divalent oxides of nitrogen. Obtained by reduction of nitrite via the following reaction:

KNO2 + KI + H2SO4 → NO + K2SO4 + H2O + ½ I2

Because an odd number of valence electrons (11 e), NO is paramagnetic. NO distance is 115 pm and has a double bond character. Electrons do not pair in the π * orbital antiikatan easily removed, and NO to NO + (nitrosonium) is isoelectronic with CO.

Because the electron removed from the orbital antiikatan, NO bond becomes stronger. NOBF4 and NOHSO4 compounds containing these cations and is used as oxidizing 1 electron.

Although monomeric NO as a gas is paramagnetic, dimerisasi the solid phase will produce diamagnetisme. NO is a transition metal ligand complex and unique form complexes such as [Fe (CO2) (NO) 2], with NO is a neutral ligand with 3 electrons. Although MnO straight bonds in this type of complex, MnO bond angle turn to 120 ° - 140 ° in [Co (NH3) 5 (NO)] Br2, with NO-4 is the ligand electrons. Recently become clear that NO has a variety of biological control functions, such as blood pressure reduction actions, and is the most important species, after Ca2 + ions, in signal transduction.

Nitrous trioxide, N2O3. Oxidation of nitrogen in this compound is +3, this compound is unstable and will be decomposed into NO and NO2 at room temperature. This compound is produced when the quantity of NO and NO2 equivalent dikondensasikan at low temperatures. Padatannya light blue and dark blue will bewarna when in the liquid, but the color will fade at higher temperatures.

Nitrogen dioxide, NO2, nitrogen compounds with the +4 oxidation berbilangan nitrogen. NO2 is a compound with an odd number of electrons with unpaired electrons, and reddish-brown. These compounds are in equilibrium with the dimer Nitrous tetraoksida, N2O4, which is not bewarna. The proportion of NO2 is 0.01% at -11 ° C and increased gradually to 15.9% at the boiling point (21.2 ° C), to 100% at 140 ° C.

N2O4 can be produced by pyrolysis of lead nitrate

2 Pb (NO3) 2 → 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2 at 400 oC

When NO2 dissolved in water and nitric acid produced nitrite:

2 NO2 + H2O → HNO3 + HNO2

With one-electron oxidation, NO2 + (nitroil) is formed and the bond angles change from 134o in neutral NO2 to 180o. On the other hand, with one-electron reduction, NO2-formed ions (nitrito) with a bond angle 115o.

Nitrous pentoksida, N2O5, obtained when the concentrated nitric acid is slowly dehydrated with phosphorus pentoksida at low temperatures. This compound sublimes at a temperature of 32.4o C. Karenadengan dissolving it in water to produce nitric acid, also known as Nitrous pentoksida anhydrous nitric acid.

N2O5 + H2O → 2 HNO3

Although in the solid state is pentoksida Nitrous NO2NO3 ion pairs with alternate sites are occupied by ions ions straight NO2 + and NO3-planar ions, on the circumstances of this molecular gas is molecular.


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