Friday, March 12, 2010

Bomb explosion mechanism.

Some time ago in various mass media, both electronic and print, often appearing bombing cases in Indonesia. Perhaps we still remember the name of Imam Samudra or Amrozi. Whose names figure soared to post-detonation bomb Bali I and II of this could be a frightening specter. Bombing cases are often linked to both these figures.

However, we know how to process this happened bomb?
Why can arise explosion?

This paper does not intend to teach readers how to make bombs. However, intended to explain in general how a simple mechanism for the bomb blast could happen in terms of chemistry.

In chemical terms, this detonation reaction known as the explosive reaction. The explosive reaction is a chemical reaction that took place very rapidly and takes place in a very short time. This explosive reaction releases a tremendous energy. In a large scale, the reaction is capable of destroying objects that are within a radius of the yield. This reaction in daily life known as a bomb blast.

The reaction is usually run explosion by the catalyst. This catalyst causes a chemical reaction take place quickly. The catalyst is a substance that can increase the speed of reaction without modifying the standard Gibbs energy change of a reaction (Admin Alif, 2005).

Platinum is one example of the catalyst used to accelerate the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen in the gas phase. This reaction can cause an explosion.

From some of the literature, it is known that the catalyst can produce hydrogen atoms from hydrogen molecules and atoms will cause a chain reaction that is very fast.

Besides the catalyst, the reaction explosions can also occur if there is a flame, like flame from a match, and so on. This flame can lead to the formation of free radicals. In a reaction mechanism, these free radicals can cause reactions that produce more branches than one radical. If this radical reaction occurs in significant amounts, the amount of free radicals in a reaction will increase. Finally, the reaction will take place very quickly and will release a huge energy. Furthermore there was an explosion.

Albert Einstein once introduced to the world about the relationship between mass and energy with the velocity of an object known as the equation E = M.C2. If we connect with the reaction of explosions above, obtained a conclusion that a detonation reaction will be even greater if the mass of the reactants (substances which have a reaction) is used in large numbers by the very high speeds. Einstein defines the speed here is the speed of light dikuadratkan. From the use of such a terrible explosion.

In laboratory-scale detonation reaction this could be tested-cobakan. From various literature, in the laboratory there are many chemicals that when mixed can cause an explosion. Although the explosion that happened quite small, but in principle almost any other explosive reaction in a large scale. We live just increase concentration. Next to an explosion, then the catalyst or ditambahkanlah flame to accelerate the reaction or the formation of free radicals. The result will release a large amount of energy.

Some time ago in various mass media, both electronic and print, often appearing bombing cases in Indonesia. Perhaps we still remember the name of Imam Samudra or Amrozi. Whose names figure soared to post-detonation bomb Bali I and II of this could be a frightening specter. Bombing cases are often linked to both these figures.

However, we know how to process this happened bomb?
Why can arise explosion?

This paper does not intend to teach readers how to make bombs. However, intended to explain in general how a simple mechanism for the bomb blast could happen in terms of chemistry.

In chemical terms, this detonation reaction known as the explosive reaction. The explosive reaction is a chemical reaction that took place very rapidly and takes place in a very short time. This explosive reaction releases a tremendous energy. In a large scale, the reaction is capable of destroying objects that are within a radius of the yield. This reaction in daily life known as a bomb blast.

The reaction is usually run explosion by the catalyst. This catalyst causes a chemical reaction take place quickly. The catalyst is a substance that can increase the speed of reaction without modifying the standard Gibbs energy change of a reaction (Admin Alif, 2005).

Platinum is one example of the catalyst used to accelerate the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen in the gas phase. This reaction can cause an explosion.

From some of the literature, it is known that the catalyst can produce hydrogen atoms from hydrogen molecules and atoms will cause a chain reaction that is very fast.

Besides the catalyst, the reaction explosions can also occur if there is a flame, like flame from a match, and so on. This flame can lead to the formation of free radicals. In a reaction mechanism, these free radicals can cause reactions that produce more branches than one radical. If this radical reaction occurs in significant amounts, the amount of free radicals in a reaction will increase. Finally, the reaction will take place very quickly and will release a huge energy. Furthermore there was an explosion.

Albert Einstein once introduced to the world about the relationship between mass and energy with the velocity of an object known as the equation E = M.C2. If we connect with the reaction of explosions above, obtained a conclusion that a detonation reaction will be even greater if the mass of the reactants (substances which have a reaction) is used in large numbers by the very high speeds. Einstein defines the speed here is the speed of light dikuadratkan. From the use of such a terrible explosion.

In laboratory-scale detonation reaction this could be tested-cobakan. From various literature, in the laboratory there are many chemicals that when mixed can cause an explosion. Although the explosion that happened quite small, but in principle almost any other explosive reaction in a large scale. We live just increase concentration. Next to an explosion, then the catalyst or ditambahkanlah flame to accelerate the reaction or the formation of free radicals. The result will release a large amount of energy.


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