The discovery by chance produce pigments (pigments) New Blue Long Lasting.
Through a variety of human history has been recorded, people - people around the world have been looking for inorganic compounds that can be used to paint in blue, and often with little success. Most have experienced environmental problems and endurance. The element cobalt blue, which was developed in France in the early 1800's, can be carcinogenic. Blue prusi elements can release cyanide. Another blue pigment is not stable when exposed to heat or acidic conditions.
But chemists at OSU have found new compounds based on manganese unsure who should show all of the attention. The compound is very safe to produce, more durable, and should lead to the pigment (dye) blue environmentally friendly than anything in use now or in the past. The compound was able to survive at temperatures that extremely high and does not fade after a week in acid.
Findings have been published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, and the patent rights have been carried out on compound composition and process used to create it. This research is funded by the National Science Foundation.
"Basically, this is an accidental discovery," said Mas Subramanian, the Milton Harris Professor of Materials Science at the Department of Chemistry at OSU. "We're exploring the manganese oxide for some interesting electronic properties that belongs, both as something that can be ferroelectric and ferromagnetic at the same time. Our work has nothing to do with seeking a pigment (dye).
"Kemuadian one day a graduate student who worked on this project was to take several samples from the furnace are very hot when I was passing by, and is blue, blue very charming," he explained. "I realized immediately that something extraordinary was happening."
The researchers say that what has happened is at a temperature of 1.200 degrees centigrade - almost 2.000 degrees Fahrenheit - manganese oxides that are not dangerous it turned into a blue compound that life can be used to make a pigment (dye) that are able to resist heat and acid, environmentally friendly and cheaper to produce than mineral that has been readily available.
Pigment (dye) latest blue - and possibly the best - in the history of the world has been born, until the element manganese ions has been in the form of a lack laziman "trigonal bipyramidal coordination" in a state of extremely hot.
"Since the people - first the Egyptians had developed a pigment (dye) blue the first time, industrial pigments (pigments) have attempted to determine several issues regarding the safety, toxicity and resistance levels," said Subramanian.
This pigment may eventually be useful in everything from inkjet printers to the field of automobiles, art or paint the house, explained the researchers.
The scientists say in the journal article that these new compounds to produce "a strange blue color bright and strong," and the color of the structure and its characteristics in detail. In this work the collaboration of researchers at the Department of Materials at the University of California / Santa Barbara.
"Many of the most interesting discovery is not correct - correctly planned, we have seen throughout history," said Subramanian. "There is a fortune out of it, but I also teach at the students I have that you must be vigilant in recognizing something when it happened, although it is not what you're looking for."
Through a variety of human history has been recorded, people - people around the world have been looking for inorganic compounds that can be used to paint in blue, and often with little success. Most have experienced environmental problems and endurance. The element cobalt blue, which was developed in France in the early 1800's, can be carcinogenic. Blue prusi elements can release cyanide. Another blue pigment is not stable when exposed to heat or acidic conditions.
But chemists at OSU have found new compounds based on manganese unsure who should show all of the attention. The compound is very safe to produce, more durable, and should lead to the pigment (dye) blue environmentally friendly than anything in use now or in the past. The compound was able to survive at temperatures that extremely high and does not fade after a week in acid.
Findings have been published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, and the patent rights have been carried out on compound composition and process used to create it. This research is funded by the National Science Foundation.
"Basically, this is an accidental discovery," said Mas Subramanian, the Milton Harris Professor of Materials Science at the Department of Chemistry at OSU. "We're exploring the manganese oxide for some interesting electronic properties that belongs, both as something that can be ferroelectric and ferromagnetic at the same time. Our work has nothing to do with seeking a pigment (dye).
"Kemuadian one day a graduate student who worked on this project was to take several samples from the furnace are very hot when I was passing by, and is blue, blue very charming," he explained. "I realized immediately that something extraordinary was happening."
The researchers say that what has happened is at a temperature of 1.200 degrees centigrade - almost 2.000 degrees Fahrenheit - manganese oxides that are not dangerous it turned into a blue compound that life can be used to make a pigment (dye) that are able to resist heat and acid, environmentally friendly and cheaper to produce than mineral that has been readily available.
Pigment (dye) latest blue - and possibly the best - in the history of the world has been born, until the element manganese ions has been in the form of a lack laziman "trigonal bipyramidal coordination" in a state of extremely hot.
"Since the people - first the Egyptians had developed a pigment (dye) blue the first time, industrial pigments (pigments) have attempted to determine several issues regarding the safety, toxicity and resistance levels," said Subramanian.
This pigment may eventually be useful in everything from inkjet printers to the field of automobiles, art or paint the house, explained the researchers.
The scientists say in the journal article that these new compounds to produce "a strange blue color bright and strong," and the color of the structure and its characteristics in detail. In this work the collaboration of researchers at the Department of Materials at the University of California / Santa Barbara.
"Many of the most interesting discovery is not correct - correctly planned, we have seen throughout history," said Subramanian. "There is a fortune out of it, but I also teach at the students I have that you must be vigilant in recognizing something when it happened, although it is not what you're looking for."
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