Monday, March 1, 2010

Petroleum processing.

Petroleum processing by distillation story.
discovered oil with natural gas. Oil, which has been separated from natural gas is also called crude oil (crude oil). Crude oil can be differentiated into:

* Light crude (light crude oil) which contain levels of metals and low sulfur, light-colored and are thin (low viscosity).
* Heavy crude oil (heavy crude oil) that contain metal and sulfur content is high, has a high viscosity and should be heated to melt.

Crude oil is a complex mixture with the main component and a small alkanes alkenes, alkynes, siklo-alkanes, aromatic, and inorganic compounds. Although complex, fortunately there is an easy way to separate the components, ie, based on differences in boiling point values. This process is called distillation story. To get the final product as desired, then the partial results of the distillation should rise further processed through the conversion process, the separation of impurities in the fractions, and mixing fractions.

Distillation multilevel.
In the distillation process-storey, crude oil is not separated into pure components, but to the factions, the groups that have a specific boiling point range. This is because the type of hydrocarbon components and so many hydrocarbon isomers have boiling points close together. Distilled this story can be explained as follows:

* Crude oil is heated in a boiler using high pressure water vapor until the temperature of ~ 600oC. Steam produced crude oil and then poured into the bottom of the tower / distillation furnace.

* In the distillation tower, crude oil vapor moves upward through the plate-plate (tray). Each plate has many holes are equipped with closed bubbles (bubble cap) that allows steam to pass.

* In the movement, crude oil vapor will be cold. Some steam will reach the altitude where the steam will be condensed to form liquid. Liquid obtained in a certain temperature range is called a fraction.

* Fraction containing compounds with high boiling point will be condensed at the bottom of the distillation tower. Meanwhile, the fraction of compounds with low boiling points will be condensed at the top of the tower.

Some fraction of the distillation tower then channeled to other parts of the oil refinery for the conversion process.

Petroleum processing by distillation story.
discovered oil with natural gas. Oil, which has been separated from natural gas is also called crude oil (crude oil). Crude oil can be differentiated into:

* Light crude (light crude oil) which contain levels of metals and low sulfur, light-colored and are thin (low viscosity).
* Heavy crude oil (heavy crude oil) that contain metal and sulfur content is high, has a high viscosity and should be heated to melt.

Crude oil is a complex mixture with the main component and a small alkanes alkenes, alkynes, siklo-alkanes, aromatic, and inorganic compounds. Although complex, fortunately there is an easy way to separate the components, ie, based on differences in boiling point values. This process is called distillation story. To get the final product as desired, then the partial results of the distillation should rise further processed through the conversion process, the separation of impurities in the fractions, and mixing fractions.

Distillation multilevel.
In the distillation process-storey, crude oil is not separated into pure components, but to the factions, the groups that have a specific boiling point range. This is because the type of hydrocarbon components and so many hydrocarbon isomers have boiling points close together. Distilled this story can be explained as follows:

* Crude oil is heated in a boiler using high pressure water vapor until the temperature of ~ 600oC. Steam produced crude oil and then poured into the bottom of the tower / distillation furnace.

* In the distillation tower, crude oil vapor moves upward through the plate-plate (tray). Each plate has many holes are equipped with closed bubbles (bubble cap) that allows steam to pass.

* In the movement, crude oil vapor will be cold. Some steam will reach the altitude where the steam will be condensed to form liquid. Liquid obtained in a certain temperature range is called a fraction.

* Fraction containing compounds with high boiling point will be condensed at the bottom of the distillation tower. Meanwhile, the fraction of compounds with low boiling points will be condensed at the top of the tower.

Some fraction of the distillation tower then channeled to other parts of the oil refinery for the conversion process.


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